
Switching Process

How Does a Switch Work?

Switches are key components of many business networks where you can easily connect multiple computers, printers, access points, phones, lights, etc. These switches allow you to send and receive information smooth and efficiently. In this article, we are going to be discussing Switch work.

How does switch work

Computers are connected to our switch we can concentrate on the work as every device has hardcoded physical address called MAC address where the computer sends the IP packet for another device. It encapsulates the pocket with frame and uses the destination of the MAC address of the device B and then sources it and sends it out. Later the frame arrives, and the IP packet is received, but it gets transverses the ethernet switch.

Unmanaged Switch

An unmanaged switch is a switch network which is designed to be plugged into work without any configuration. Unmanaged switches are used for basic connectivity in businesses, homes, etc. There are few more ports that are needed which allows it to work in your desk, lab or conference room.

Managed switch

Managed switches offer greater security and features which are much more flexible. This is because you can configure them to fit your network comfortably. This gives you a greater control which is efficient in controlling and better protecting your network, but it takes longer to improve the quality of services for websites who use this to access their network.

Network Switch vs a Hub

Some of the most basic networks are all connected with hubs. There is a limit to the number of users who can share this hub space network. The more devices added, the longer it will take the data o reach its destination, but a switch avoids these limitations.

Network switch work vs a router

A switch allows for different devices on network communication, and the router allows the different network to communicate. A router is connected networks to the internet, which allows multiple users to share a connection as the router acts as a dispatcher. This gives the best route for information to travel as the transmission is as efficient as possible.


Switching Process

  • The switch redirects the frame out through the right port; this is called redirecting. The frame enters the switch port and is checked by the memory which stores physical port and MAC address pairs to use it forward in the frame.
  • Remember switch allows you to look into IP packet and forwards the frame based on the destination of the MAC address.
  • MAC learning is a frame first arrives at the switch port which checks the source of MAC address within the frame and stores which can be stored in the next port number when received.
Website Security

How to Secure a Website & Protect It from Hackers

Many people do not think to secure their website as many assume that hackers do not care for websites, but a large percentage of website security breaches is to steal your data from which they can use your server as an email relay which is illegal in general. Hacking is regularly performed not always in the aim to exploit other website securities. Here are some tips to help your website be safe from hackers.

Keep software up to date

This is an obvious one which helps you keep all the software up to date, a piece of vital information in keeping your website secure. This applies for both the server operating system as well as the software. When your websites have security holes, hackers quickly take action and will try to abuse it for their own advantage. There are many developers like Composer, npm, etc., who can give you a package which can help protect your site and system.

Watch out for SQL injection

When a hacker uses a web form field to gain access to your database, it is called SQL injections. It is easy to unknowing insert a code that can go rogue and get information or delete the data. There are many ways to know if your website is being hacked, such as the changing of the URL parameters.

Protect against XSS attacks


An XSS attack is a form of virus which can infect your javascript and run into tour pages changing the page content. With this attack, the hacker could easily send scripts and can access users browser and steal their login cookies, which allows them to take control of the account. You can easily use the help of dynamically generated HTML which can make the change you are looking for. Another powerful tool is to use an XSS defender toolbox which limits the browser actions.

Error messages

Try to provide minimal errors to your user as this ensures that there are no secret leaks in your server. Try to provide minimal exception details which can help eliminate attacks like SQL injection. Also, keep detailed errors in your server log and show the information whenever necessary.

Check you passwords

It is crucial to have a strong password which can help your server and websites. Always remember that passwords should be stored as encrypted values using algorithms such as SHA. If there is any case of stealing using hashed passwords will limit the damage. There are many CMS providers who have security features built-in where you can use salted passwords and set the minimum password strength. You can also get a membership provider which is configurable and can also have inbuilt website security, which includes readymade controls and login resets.

Web Hosting

Reseller vs Affiliate Programs

The two main options that a web design or a development business provide to their client is Affiliate programs and reseller hosting. This is a difficult option for the clients to choose as both Reseller and Affiliate hosting have their own, but we have gathered some of the advantages of both and listed below.

Reseller Hosting

Reseller Hosting enables you to use a third-party provider server to sell your plans. This is usually accompanied by a monthly fee, which depends on the resources you are renting. Reseller hosting ensures that you have a more steady secondary income, which can be useful when you do not have to work on new projects. If you are planning to expand your business, all you have to do is offer services which can build your website. It is necessary that a reselling website offers support to the clients, which can demand work. The quality of the services they provide is as good as any hosting providers.

Affiliate hosting

Affiliate hosting involves the selling of plans where you advertise your services of the chosen hosting provider. An affiliate marketer can include one or more links to the hosting provider on your website. Every time someone uses the link to purchase something, you will be sure to receive a commission and the amount is generally dependent on the service provider. With this type of hosting, you do not need to provide support and you are not responsible for any experience or assistance. Also, joining an affiliate programme is free, which makes it inexpensive and a source of income. Although you can earn some extra money with affiliate hosting it does not give an opportunity to grow your business as you have less control over the hosting services, and also you need to make sure that you are reliable provider before going this route.

The best pick for your business

Both reselling and affiliate marketing have their benefits, but what fits you business is difficult to determine as you have kept the needs of your clients first. One way you can determine which hosting services best fits your business is by comparing the time taken to do the work as a reseller hosting services requires more work than affiliate programs do. If you have an already existing business, it is necessary that you know you have enough time to invest in the reseller hosting as it requires a lot of attention or else you are better off opting for an affiliate program for a better strategy. Also, affiliate programmes are free to join and with reseller hosting, you will have to pay a monthly fee depending on the service provider while choosing the right service provider it is necessary that you keep the clients in mind.

Best Hosting

VPS Hosting vs Dedicated Hosting: Which Is Best for Your Site?

One of the things that you should consider before upgrading your hosting servers would be to understanding the types of hosting servers. Generally, people have to choose from VPS hosting or dedicated hosting. In this article, we are going to be discussing both the types of hosting servers and you can decide which can work best for your site.

Determine your baseline

There is a certain baseline that a hosting service has to stand at before choosing the right plan. The number of CPU cores, the amount of RAM and the storage disk which can be a cheaper and a traditional option. One main thing to consider before resource allocation on a server the number of websites and blogs you use.

VPS hosting is virtually private

VPS hosting is much more similar to shared hosting where you host multiple websites but present them as a single physical server. The main difference between the two is the restrictions placed on the use of the resource. The resource allocation is divided equally and having a shared pool of resources can be much more powerful.

Dedicated servers are all yours

As the name implies the whole server is dedicated to serving your blog, you are basically given an empty server where you can put whatever you want. The web hosts offer many physical configurations which match your specifications exactly. A dedicated server has little to no control over the server environment, and the VPS options are limitedly placed, which can give you a 100% control over the software.

VPS Hosting vs Dedicated servers

There are many similarities between VPS hosting and dedicated servers, but both offer a different level of control which is a great option for software when installing some ways you can select your hosting servers include


VPS plans are cheaper than dedicated plans as there are many customers in a single server, but a dedicated server will cost you over $30 per month.

Managed vs unmanaged options

The work you need to put into setting up, managing and maintaining your web hosting environment as there are two extreme spectrums from managed vs unmanaged options where the managed options give you plan where web host takes care of everything related to servers software, but an unmanaged plan is where you are responsible for everything. Generally, many servers come in between the spectrum, which is also heavily influenced by your budget.


One important thing one needs to consider before buying a server is looking at security options. The VPS servers is hosting many websites in one place where you might have to worry about what other websites are doing, but when it comes to dedicated software, they have the edge as you are one who is managing alone.